How To Download Character Sheet From Roll20 UPDATED

How To Download Character Sheet From Roll20

Primary Page Journal, "Characters"-department

Grapheme Sheets let you to use a digital sheet that'southward similar to a traditional paper graphic symbol canvass while playing your game in Roll20. The creator of a game tin choose a graphic symbol sheet template when setting upwardly the game, and all characters in the game will use that sheet template.

The grapheme canvas is an optional sub-department of the Character, forth with the Bio- and Attributes&Abilites-tabs.


  • 1 Choosing a Character Canvass Template
    • 1.1 Starting a New Game
    • 1.two For an Existing Game
    • 1.three Add together Individual Sheets In-Game
  • 2 Character Sheet Basics
    • 2.1 Sheet Rolls
      • 2.1.1 Drag and Drib Buttons
      • two.1.two Initiative Rolls
    • 2.2 Repeating Sections
    • 2.3 Using
    • 2.4 Link Token
  • 3 Default Sheet Settings
  • iv Advanced Usage
    • 4.1 Attributes
    • 4.2 Macros and Abilities
    • iv.3 Roll Templates
    • 4.4 API
    • 4.5 Modifying Community Sheet
  • 5 Character Canvass in a separate window
  • half-dozen Community Sheets
    • 6.i Character Sheet Guides
  • 7 Related Pages

Choosing a Character Canvas Template

Depending on what game organization you want to play, or fifty-fifty choosing between options available for some systems, y'all must decide what template, if any, to use in your game.

If yous choose None, then all characters will only accept a Bio & Attributes & Abilites-tabs, simply no tab for "Character Canvass."

How a canvas without template looks like

The menu to choose Grapheme Sheet Template

Starting a New Game

When starting a new game, you lot(every bit the game'southward Creator have the pick to cull the Grapheme Sheet Template you want to use from the handy drop-down available on the New Game cosmos screen. The Sheet Template can exist changed after game creation class the Game Settings-page. If you're making a Game that's a copy based on an existing Game, the copy will proceed all relevant sheet template data to match the original. Finally, you demand to click the (I'yard Set up, Create Game) button to salve.

For an Existing Game

To change or add Character Canvass, the Creator of the game should visit the Game Settings folio. This page is accessed from the Settings dropdown on the Game Details page. Links to the Game Details pages of games that yous belong to can be institute on the My Games page.

In the Character Sheet Template section, select a template from the dropdown. Pro subscribers can likewise cull Custom, and and then enter their own HTML/CSS/Translation code into the Sail Editor. Finally, you need to click the (Save Changes) button found at the bottom of the screen.

Game Settings

The Add button in the Journal Tab

Add Individual Sheets In-Game

The Game's Creator (or anyone promoted to GM) can add individual character sheets in-game that can exist assigned to people(players can't do so). You become to the N Journal-tab and click on the + Add button and select Character from the dropdown bill of fare.

Yous tin also add together a character by right-clicking an existing folder in the Due north Journal-tab, and selecting Add together Character from the Binder Options menu. Adding new Characters or Handouts using the right-click method places them directly into the right-clicked folder.

Regardless of how you create the Character entry, Roll20 will randomly generate a random proper name for the new Character.

Character Sheet Nuts

Drag and driblet sheet buttons to the macro quick bar.

If there is a character sheet template enabled for your game, at that place volition exist a new tab on when you lot open upward a Grapheme in your Journal labeled "Grapheme Sail". Clicking this tab volition open the Grapheme Sheet. The layout and look of your canvass, besides every bit what fields are available, will be determined by the template that the creator of the game has chosen.

The nearly basic mode to interact with a sheet is simply by filling in values. You can type in text boxes, choose from drop-down menus, employ checkboxes and radio buttons, etc. Every bit you fill out the canvas, all of your changes are automatically saved.

Some fields may accept default values already included. Y'all tin modify these values as needed for your particular Grapheme. Some fields are likewise auto-calculating. As you fill out other parts of the sail, those fields will automobile-update to reflect their new values. You cannot change those fields directly.

Sheet Rolls

Your sheet may too characteristic roll buttons. These are pre-defined rolls included with the sheet which allow you to speedily make attacks, roll checks, etc. These rolls will use the values that you have filled in on the sail to function, and so they're ever up-to-date.

To larn the contents of a sheet roll push button:

  1. Click on the canvass roll push.
  2. Focus the q Text Chat'south input box (by clicking into to information technology, or using the Avant-garde Shortcut C C). When it's focused, a blue outline appears around it.
  3. Press the (up arrow) key on your keyboard.
  4. The contents of the canvass roll button will then populate the Text Chat input box.

To acquire the Power call corresponding to that sheet roll button, drag the canvass push down to the Macro Quick Bar, click on what you just dragged down, and and so consummate steps 2 to 4.

Drag and Driblet Buttons

Yous can Drag & Drop canvas buttons to the macro quick bar. Buttons may be dragged straight off of the character canvass and placed onto the Macro Quick Bar at the bottom of the screen, simply by clicking and dragging the push into place. The buttons tin can be removed past dragging the button out of the quick bar into open infinite, the push button will turn red and so vanish when the mouse is released. Please note, if you have the pop-out pick enabled for the character sheets you must first disable it under your user settings (ycog icon) before the drag and driblet function will work. You lot tin then turn it back on afterwards you lot adapt your macro buttons.

Example of an Initiative Coil that appears on the t Turn Tracker

To delete a button that was added to the macro bar, drag the button off the bar.

Initiative Rolls

For an Initiative coil to end upwardly on the tTurn Tracker, a token must start be selected, otherwise the roll only appears in the q Text Chat.

The Initiative roll can be fabricated from a graphic symbol sheet, or reference stats from a sheet, but doesn't have to. See Dice Reference - Initiative, for more than details.

Repeating Sections


Case of deleting & reordering a repeating section on the D&D 5E by Roll20-sheet.

In addition to fields, your character sheet may characteristic i or more than repeating section , where you can dynamically change a list by adding/reordering/removing entries to them.

How the Repeating sections buttons await may vary between character sheets for dissimilar systems, but this is how the buttons usually look:

  • Add together: Click on the & -push button in the bottom-left corner of the repeating section to add a new entry.
  • Modify: Click the ( "Modify/Lock"-push button to enable deleting existing entries, or reorganizing them.
    • Reorder: Press and hold the -symbol of a specific row, and so drag information technology upwards- or downwards to alter information technology's position. (left side)
    • Delete: Press the # -icon of of a specific row, to delete it. Y'all go no warning, so it's deleted correct away. (correct side)
    • When you're washed deleting/re-ordering things, click on the ) (bottom right) to get out the edit mode for the rep department

For info on coding rep sections for character sheets, see: Character Sheet Evolution/Repeating Section

Link Token

Connecting Tokens to Grapheme Sheets, 6min(Sep 2021)

Linking Token to a Character is a skilful idea to make graphic symbol sheets quicker & easier to utilize. Merely the GM tin updates the Default Token of a character.

If a token is linked to a grapheme sheet, you lot can open up the character sheet past pressing Shift & double-clicking the token.

Default Canvass Settings

Default Canvas Settings will determine default values & settings for any new character sheets added to the N Journal, which the GM tin modify from the Game Settings Page.

If you desire to apply these settings to existing character sheets in the game, go to y My Settings in-game, and press the Apply Default Settings-push.

Advanced Usage


Sheets in Roll20 are a presentation layer for the Attributes organization. This means that every field on the sheet is "backed" by a corresponding Attribute on the Character. For example, if there is a field called "Strength" on the canvass, in that location will also be an attribute called "Forcefulness" in the Attributes & Abilities-tab. As you update the canvas, the attribute is updated, and vice versa. This also allows you to link the canvas to a token the same fashion you would link an Aspect to a token, via the "Represents" box on the Token Settings dialog.

Macros and Abilities

Master Folio: Macro Guide

Interaction with Macros and Abilities

You can reference sheet values in your Macros and Abilities by referencing the corresponding Attribute. For example, @{Bob|strength} would use the forcefulness attribute, which is also the force field on the sheet (which would have name='attr_strength' in the sail code). If the Canvass has a strength field which hasn't been edited all the same by the player, and so the effect of the variable will be either the default value for the field specified on the sheet past the sheet designer, or it will exist "" (an empty cord).

Note that at present you cannot reference auto-calculated values or sheet rolls from the character sheet using the machine-complete function (discussed in Macros) in custom macros on the abilities page or in the q Text Chat. Y'all can, all the same, reference all of them past typing them out manually (for example, /roll 1d20+@{Alice|STR-mod} for a force check using the Pathfinder character sheet). You can also create an ability that contains the macro or sheet roll(s) you wish to utilize, and so you tin can reference that ability with the car-complete office. To discover the specific proper noun of a given automobile-calculated field, read the specific notes about the graphic symbol sheet yous are using. Some sheets have tooltips telling you lot the name of the aspect, but this is at the discretion of the sheet author.

Roll Templates

Curl Templates are a special facet of the Character Sheets system which can be added by the sheet writer to provide boosted layout and styling options for the display of roll results in the q Text Conversation

  • D&D 5e past Roll20 Roll Templates
  • Pathfinder by Roll20/Roll Templates
  • Category:Ringlet Templates


Since all sheet fields are attributes, you can merely use the existing API methods for Attributes to read or update sheet values as needed. Note that if a sheet field has not been edited yet for a Character, that Character will not take an aspect for that field. Then be sure to check for "undefined" Attributes when fetching values. In one case a canvas has been edited for a Character, the Aspect is available to the API for reading. You lot can ever write to the Aspect even if the sheet hasn't been edited yet by creating that Attribute yourself -- the sheet in-game will update appropriately.

You tin can get the value of attributes via the following function call. If the attribute has non been edited, it returns the default value, if it is an auto-calc value, it returns the auto-cal formula, non the calculated value. Notation that value_type appears to be optional.

getAttrByName(character_id, attribute_name, value_type);

Grapheme Canvass related APIs:

  • ChatSetAttr -- Create, alter, and delete character attributes via chat commands or macros. ChatSetAttr can be embedded into normal macros.
  • Script:Group_Initiative -- A way to speedily roll initiative for multiple characters
  • Script:GroupCheck -- A way to rapidly scroll a group check for anybody and run into if they succeed
  • CharSheet -- Permit players to create their ain character sheets.
  • Ammo -- Provides inventory management for ammunition stored in an attribute of a character. Tin can exist used with any char sheet
  • PlayerCharacters(Forum) -- Player & Grapheme Manager. List all Player Characters divided by Player for the GM, or all assigned Characters for a Player. Add Characters for GM and Players.
  • PublicSheet(Forum) -- Creates a "public" version of character sheets that players can't edit, which mirrors the actual character sheet.
  • Reporter(Forum) -- A script to poll the game and render info on Token/Graphic symbol pairs, along with customized activeness tools.
  • Observer(Forum) -- Manages observer players, who are given the visibility (and control) of all histrion characters. This is useful for both podcasting views and local play on a single role player screen.
  • Welcome Packet(Forum) -- API create and assigns grapheme sheets to new people who join a game
  • See more: API:Script Index

If you are interested in creating your own Character Sheet for a new game system, improving an existing sheet, or creating your own canvas that'south fully customized for your individual play manner, you tin can build your own custom character sail .

Read More at Building Character Sheets & Use Custom Sheet

If y'all run a slightly modified version of a common game system (such every bit Pathfinder with your own homebrew rules), you lot may desire to modify the existing sheet. To do and so, yous must be a Pro subscriber. If you are:

  1. Become to the Game Details => Game Settings page of your game (exterior of the game). Make sure that the "Custom" option is selected under the Character Sail Template section. You lot volition meet an editor with three tabs.
  2. Go to the Github repository for the community sheets.
  3. Find the folder for the sheet you are using (e.g. "Pathfinder").
  4. There should exist an HTML file and a CSS file in the folder. You can ignore any other files. Copy the contents of the HTML file and paste them into the HTML/Layout tab of the canvass editor for your game. Do the same for the CSS file and the CSS/Style tab.
  5. Make your modifications. Those modifications will merely apply to this game, and they don't take to approved by anyone else. You tin notice more data most how to create new fields and other sheet tools on the Building Character Sheets page.
  6. NOTE: If y'all determine to utilise a custom version of a customs sheet, you volition not receive future updates for the customs sheet.

Grapheme Canvas in a carve up window

Highlighted in red, the button to open up a character in a carve up window

Information technology's possible to accept the character sail "popped out" in a separate browser window from Roll20, but while in this mode, a number of things don't piece of work quite as well as when it's viewed inside the VTT. The popping out feature is more of a convenience during play to keep the window uncluttered, but if you want to make lots of changes to the sheet, it's generally a good thought to not have it "popped out".

Things that don't piece of work when sheet is in a separate window:

  • Charactermancer doesn't work. - Y'all might be able to open it, but the last pace to stop building doesn't work.
  • Tin can't elevate-n-drop - elevate-north-drop from the i Compendium to the sheet when it'due south in its ain window is inconsistent, and doesn't work in all situations.
  • Can't re-order things in #Repeating Sections - You tin check/uncheck the "lock" and delete entries, just not re-club them
  • Edit "Bio & Info"-tab - when you press on the edit button, Roll20 opens the sheet inside the main Roll20 application on the "Bio & Info" page for the sail
  • Nothing in the "Attributes & Abilities"-tab can be re-ordered - yous can add together & delete Attributes and add Abilities, but not re-lodge them

Instance of how the character canvas looks while in a separate window(Firefox 75/Linux Mint xix/April 14th 2020)

At that place is a library of sheets contributed by the community that you can choose to use instead of creating your own from scratch. If you want to help ameliorate those sheets or add a canvass for a new game, run into the Github repository and Beginner'south Guide to GitHub.

Editing & edifice character sheets require Pro subscription.

Yous tin request the community to create new sheets here: Grapheme Sheet Requests Q3 2021(Forum)

Character Sail Guides

Here is a listing of some of the Guides for popular or well-documented character sheet. See too the Total listing of Grapheme Canvass Guides

  • D&D 5E
    • D&D 5E by Roll20 - The virtually used sheet on Roll20
    • D&D 5E (Shaped) - The second-most popular D&D 5E sheet
    • D&D 5E (Community Contributed)
  • Pathfinder/Pazio
    • Pathfinder Second Edition by Roll20
    • Pathfinder (1E) past Roll20
    • Pathfinder (1E) Community Sheet

Official(by Roll20) sheets/Publisher-fabricated Sheets

  • Burn Bryte
  • Earthdawn - FASA Official
  • Fate past Evil Lid
  • Complimentary Spacer
  • Official Fell Worlds
  • Stargate RPG

Other well-documented sheets:

  • Advert&D 2E
  • Advertizing&D 2E (Simplified)
  • Genesys
  • Heroes Unlimited 2E
  • Palladium Fantasy 1E
  • Palladium Fantasy 2E
  • Star Wars D6/WEG
  • Star Wars Saga Edition
  • Torg Eternity
  • Zweihänder Grim & Perilous
  • by Roll20 sheets - official documentation

  • N Journal-tab - Other aspects of the character sheet
  • Graphic symbol Vault - where you can import/consign characters between games, saving the associated Bio, Avatar, and Token image + settings.
  • Calculation Character Canvas - Guide for both adding individual characters to a game, and for calculation specific Character Sheet Template to a campaign.
  • Tokens
    • Linking Tokens to Character sheets
  • Complete Guide to Macros & Rolls
  • Transmogrifier (


    info ) - useful for moving characters between games in bulk


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